The function module ‘RKD_WORD_WRAP’ can be used to split a long text into smaller segments of specific length. The smaller segments will be available in an internal table.
*Types: TYPES: BEGIN OF gxs_text_split, text_split(5) TYPE c, END OF gxs_text_split. *Internal Tables: DATA: lt_text_split TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF gxs_text_split. *Variables: DATA: lv_text_full(45) TYPE c. lv_text_full = \'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.\'. *The following function module will split the text above into *5 characters. CALL FUNCTION \'RKD_WORD_WRAP\' EXPORTING textline = lv_text_full \" Variable which will be splitted. outputlen = 5 \" Split into segments of 5 characters. TABLES out_lines = lt_text_split \" Internal table containing lines, each line will contains 5 characters max. EXCEPTIONS outputlen_too_large = 1 OTHERS = 2.
The output of the spitted texts in the internal table ‘LT_TEXT_SPLIT’: