The below program demonstrate how to change the content of variant at run time.
REPORT ztestautoselectoption. *&--------------------------------------------------------------------&* *& Program Description: &* *& ----------------------- &* *& This demo program shows how to dynamically populate the data in a &* *& variant. &* *& &* *& Author: ABAPCOOKBOOK &* *& Website: &* ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ * DATA DECLARATIONS * ************************************************************************ *Tables: TABLES: vbap. *Internal tables: DATA: gt_vbap TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF vbap, gt_vari TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF rsparams. *Field Symbols: FIELD-SYMBOLS: <fs_vbap> TYPE vbap. *Structures: DATA: gst_vari TYPE rsparams, gst_varidesc TYPE varid. *Variables: DATA: gv_subrc TYPE sy-subrc. *Constants: CONSTANTS: gc_write TYPE c VALUE \'W\', gc_selmat TYPE rsparams-selname VALUE \'S_MATNR\', gc_kind TYPE rsparams-kind VALUE \'S\', gc_sign TYPE rsparams-sign VALUE \'I\', gc_option TYPE rsparams-low VALUE \'EQ\'. ************************************************************************ * SELECTION SCREEN * ************************************************************************ SELECT-OPTIONS: * Material Number. s_matnr FOR vbap-matnr OBLIGATORY. ************************************************************************ * CODE LOGIC * ************************************************************************ *Check if the variant used to run the program exists. CALL FUNCTION \'RS_VARIANT_EXISTS\' EXPORTING report = sy-repid \"Program Name variant = sy-slset \"Variant Name IMPORTING r_c = gv_subrc EXCEPTIONS not_authorized = 01 no_report = 02 report_not_existent = 03 report_not_supplied = 04. IF gv_subrc EQ 0. * Select sales order data from table VBAP. SELECT * UP TO 10 ROWS FROM vbap INTO TABLE gt_vbap. IF sy-subrc EQ 0. * Retrieve the contents of the variant to the internal table \'GT_VARI\'. CALL FUNCTION \'RS_VARIANT_CONTENTS\' EXPORTING report = sy-repid \"Program Name variant = sy-slset \"Variant Name move_or_write = gc_write TABLES valutab = gt_vari \"Variant Contents EXCEPTIONS variant_non_existent = 1 variant_obsolete = 2 OTHERS = 3. IF sy-subrc EQ 0. * Delete the current content of select option \'S_MATNR\' from the variant. This is * done by deleting all \'S_MATNR\' selname entries from material select option(GT_VARI). * We will then populate it with fresh new data later on. DELETE gt_vari WHERE selname EQ gc_selmat. * Building up and assigning new material numbers to * the table variant(GT_VARI). LOOP AT gt_vbap ASSIGNING <fs_vbap>. * Assigning the necessary values and parameters * to the select options via the table LT_VARI. gst_vari-selname = gc_selmat. gst_vari-kind = gc_kind. gst_vari-option = gc_option. gst_vari-sign = gc_sign. gst_vari-low = <fs_vbap>-matnr. * Appending the material number to the select option. APPEND gst_vari TO gt_vari. ENDLOOP. * Re-populating the variant description. gst_varidesc-mandt = sy-mandt. gst_varidesc-aename = sy-uname. gst_varidesc-aedat = sy-datum. gst_varidesc-aetime = sy-uzeit. * Creating a new variant with the new values. CALL FUNCTION \'RS_CHANGE_CREATED_VARIANT\' EXPORTING curr_report = sy-repid \"Program Name curr_variant = sy-slset \"Variant Name vari_desc = gst_varidesc \"Variant Description TABLES vari_contents = gt_vari \"Variant Contents EXCEPTIONS illegal_report_or_variant = 1 illegal_variantname = 2 not_authorized = 3 not_executed = 4 report_not_existent = 5 report_not_supplied = 6 variant_doesnt_exist = 7 variant_locked = 8 selections_no_match = 9 OTHERS = 10. IF sy-subrc EQ 0. * Variant has been populated with new data successfully. ENDIF. ENDIF. ENDIF. ENDIF.
Please note that to test the above program, create a variant with dummy data.
Then, just select the variant, the program will automatically change the content of the select option \’S_MATNR\’ based on the data retrieved from VBAP-MATNR.