Please find below a sample program using the BAPI \’BAPI_SALESORDER_CHANGE\’ to demonstrate how to update the reason for rejection (VBAP-ABGRU) and the order quantity (VBAP-WMENG) for all items in a sales order.
REPORT ztestbapiso2. *&--------------------------------------------------------------------&* *& Program Description: &* *& ----------------------- &* *& This demo program will update the reason for rejection and the &* *& order quantity for all items in a selected sales order. &* *& &* *& The program demonstrate the use of the \'BAPI_SALESORDER_CHANGE\'. &* *& &* *& Author: ABAPCOOKBOOK &* *& Website: &* ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ * DATA DECLARATIONS * ************************************************************************ *Tables: TABLES: vbap. *Internal tables: DATA: gt_vbap TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF vbap, gt_vbep TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF vbep, gt_item_in TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapisditm, gt_item_inx TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapisditmx, gt_schedule_lines TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapischdl, gt_schedule_linesx TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapischdlx, gt_return TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapiret2. *Field Symbols: FIELD-SYMBOLS: <fs_vbap> TYPE vbap, <fs_vbep> TYPE vbep. *Structures: DATA: gst_item_hedx TYPE bapisdh1x, gst_item_in TYPE bapisditm, gst_item_inx TYPE bapisditmx, gst_schedule_lines TYPE bapischdl, gst_schedule_linesx TYPE bapischdlx. *Variables: DATA: gv_msg TYPE string, gv_tabix TYPE sy-tabix. *Constants: CONSTANTS: gc_error TYPE string VALUE \': An error occured, no change done to the sales order.\', gc_success TYPE string VALUE \': Sales order changed successfully.\'. ************************************************************************ * SELECTION SCREEN * ************************************************************************ SELECT-OPTIONS: * Sales Order Number. s_vbeln FOR vbap-vbeln OBLIGATORY. PARAMETERS: * Reason for Rejection. p_abgru TYPE vbap-abgru OBLIGATORY, * Order Quantity. p_wmeng TYPE vbep-wmeng OBLIGATORY. ************************************************************************ * CODE LOGIC * ************************************************************************ *Select sales order data from table VBAP. SELECT * FROM vbap INTO TABLE gt_vbap WHERE vbeln IN s_vbeln. IF sy-subrc EQ 0. * Rules \'For All Entries\'. * Not necessary as \'VBELN\' and \'POSNR\' is already primary key, this logic * just to demonstrate \'For All Entries\' rule. SORT gt_vbap BY vbeln posnr. DELETE ADJACENT DUPLICATES FROM gt_vbap COMPARING vbeln posnr. * Retrieving schedule lines entries. SELECT * FROM vbep INTO TABLE gt_vbep FOR ALL ENTRIES IN gt_vbap WHERE vbeln EQ gt_vbap-vbeln AND posnr EQ gt_vbap-posnr. IF sy-subrc EQ 0. * Sorting for binary search. SORT gt_vbep BY vbeln posnr. LOOP AT gt_vbap ASSIGNING <fs_vbap>. * ........................ * BAPI Data for updating the reason for rejection. * ........................ * (Order Header Level) * Setting the update flag at order header level to update mode. gst_item_hedx-updateflag = \'U\'. * (Order Item Level) * Setting of the material number(MATNR) at order item level. gst_item_in-material = <fs_vbap>-matnr. * Setting of the item number(POSNR) at order item level. gst_item_in-itm_number = <fs_vbap>-posnr. gst_item_inx-itm_number = <fs_vbap>-posnr. * Setting of the reason for rejection(ABGRU) at order item level. gst_item_in-reason_rej = p_abgru. gst_item_inx-reason_rej = \'X\'. * Setting the update flag at order item level to update mode. gst_item_inx-updateflag = \'U\'. * BAPI items level tables: APPEND: gst_item_in TO gt_item_in, gst_item_inx TO gt_item_inx. * ........................ * BAPI Data for updating the order quantity. * ........................ * Adding the schedule lines items. READ TABLE gt_vbep TRANSPORTING NO FIELDS WITH KEY vbeln = <fs_vbap>-vbeln posnr = <fs_vbap>-posnr BINARY SEARCH. IF sy-subrc EQ 0. gv_tabix = sy-tabix. * Index looping for better performance. LOOP AT gt_vbep ASSIGNING <fs_vbep> FROM gv_tabix. IF <fs_vbep>-vbeln EQ <fs_vbap>-vbeln AND <fs_vbep>-posnr EQ <fs_vbap>-posnr. * (Schedule Line Level) * Setting of the item number(POSNR) at schedule line level. gst_schedule_lines-itm_number = <fs_vbep>-posnr. gst_schedule_linesx-itm_number = <fs_vbep>-posnr. * Setting of the schedule line number(ETENR) at schedule line level. gst_schedule_lines-sched_line = <fs_vbep>-etenr. gst_schedule_linesx-sched_line = <fs_vbep>-etenr. * Setting the update flag at schedule line level to update mode. gst_schedule_linesx-updateflag = \'U\'. * Setting the new order quantity(WMENG). gst_schedule_lines-req_qty = p_wmeng. gst_schedule_linesx-req_qty = \'X\'. * BAPI schedule lines level tables: APPEND: gst_schedule_lines TO gt_schedule_lines, gst_schedule_linesx TO gt_schedule_linesx. ELSE. * Clear index CLEAR gv_tabix. * Move out of the loop. EXIT. ENDIF. * Clearing of work areas. CLEAR: gst_schedule_lines, gst_schedule_linesx. ENDLOOP. ENDIF. * Calling BAPI to update reason for rejection and the * schedule line order quantity in the selected sales order. CALL FUNCTION \'BAPI_SALESORDER_CHANGE\' EXPORTING salesdocument = <fs_vbap>-vbeln order_header_inx = gst_item_hedx TABLES return = gt_return order_item_in = gt_item_in order_item_inx = gt_item_inx schedule_lines = gt_schedule_lines schedule_linesx = gt_schedule_linesx. * Preparing the result message. CONCATENATE <fs_vbap>-vbeln \" Sales Order Number <fs_vbap>-posnr \" Item Number INTO gv_msg \" Message SEPARATED BY space. \" Space * Check if at least one error was raised by the BAPI. Loop inside * loop is not advise, however, the return table will contains small * amount of entries. We can use that for our demo. LOOP AT gt_return TRANSPORTING NO FIELDS WHERE type EQ \'E\' OR type EQ \'A\'. * Exit and rollback changes. EXIT. ENDLOOP. * If error found, rollback database changes. IF sy-subrc EQ 0. * Rollback changes. CALL FUNCTION \'BAPI_TRANSACTION_ROLLBACK\'. * Preparing error message. CONCATENATE gv_msg \"Sales Order and Item Number gc_error \"Error Message INTO gv_msg SEPARATED BY space. * Output message. WRITE / gv_msg. * Else, no error found, commit database changes. ELSE. * Commit changes. CALL FUNCTION \'BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT\' EXPORTING wait = abap_true. * Preparing success message. CONCATENATE gv_msg \"Sales Order and Item Number gc_success \"Success Message INTO gv_msg SEPARATED BY space. * Output message. WRITE / gv_msg. ENDIF. * Write a line after each sales order. AT END OF vbeln. WRITE: sy-uline. ENDAT. * Clearing of variables and structures: CLEAR: * Variables: gv_msg, gv_tabix, * Structures: gst_item_hedx, gst_item_in, gst_item_inx. * Refreshing internal tables: REFRESH: gt_item_in, gt_item_inx, gt_schedule_lines, gt_schedule_linesx, gt_return. ENDLOOP. ENDIF. ENDIF.
In case of error, please check the BAPI return messages available in the internal table \’GT_RETURN\’.
If it happens that you got the error \’Field \’WMENG\’ cannot be changed, VBEPKOM 000010 0001 ready for input\’ from the return table then it may be because of the reason for rejection, clear the reason for rejection and try again. If this is not the case then try to check in VA02 if the order quantity field or the reason for rejection field in editable manually, if not it may be an issue with your test case.
If you just want to update the reason for rejection, please check this post.
Hope it helps. 🙂