Please find below a sample program using the BAPI \’BAPI_SALESORDER_CHANGE\’ to demonstrate how to update the reason for rejection (VBAP-ABGRU) for all items in a sales order.
REPORT ztestbapiso1. *&--------------------------------------------------------------------&* *& Program Description: &* *& ----------------------- &* *& This demo program will update the reason for rejection for all &* *& items in a selected sales order. &* *& &* *& The program demonstrate the use of the \'BAPI_SALESORDER_CHANGE\'. &* *& &* *& Author: ABAPCOOKBOOK &* *& Website: &* ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ * DATA DECLARATIONS * ************************************************************************ *Tables: TABLES: vbap. *Internal tables: DATA: gt_vbap TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF vbap, gt_item_in TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapisditm, gt_item_inx TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapisditmx, gt_return TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapiret2. *Field Symbols: FIELD-SYMBOLS: <fs_vbap> TYPE vbap. *Structures: DATA: gst_item_hedx TYPE bapisdh1x, gst_item_in TYPE bapisditm, gst_item_inx TYPE bapisditmx. *Variables: DATA: gv_msg TYPE string. *Constants: CONSTANTS: gc_error TYPE string VALUE \': An error occured, no change done to the sales order.\', gc_success TYPE string VALUE \': Sales order changed successfully.\'. ************************************************************************ * SELECTION SCREEN * ************************************************************************ SELECT-OPTIONS: * Sales Order Number. s_vbeln FOR vbap-vbeln OBLIGATORY. PARAMETERS: * Reason for Rejection. p_abgru TYPE vbap-abgru OBLIGATORY. ************************************************************************ * CODE LOGIC * ************************************************************************ *Select sales order data from table VBAP. SELECT * FROM vbap INTO TABLE gt_vbap WHERE vbeln IN s_vbeln. IF sy-subrc EQ 0. LOOP AT gt_vbap ASSIGNING <fs_vbap>. * (Order Header Level) * Setting the update flag at order header level to update mode. gst_item_hedx-updateflag = \'U\'. * (Order Item Level) * Setting of the material number(MATNR) at order item level. gst_item_in-material = <fs_vbap>-matnr. * Setting of the item number(POSNR) at order item level. gst_item_in-itm_number = <fs_vbap>-posnr. gst_item_inx-itm_number = <fs_vbap>-posnr. * Setting of the reason for rejection(ABGRU) at order item level. gst_item_in-reason_rej = p_abgru. gst_item_inx-reason_rej = \'X\'. * Setting the update flag at order item level to update mode. gst_item_inx-updateflag = \'U\'. * BAPI items level tables: APPEND: gst_item_in TO gt_item_in, gst_item_inx TO gt_item_inx. * Calling BAPI to update reason for rejection in the selected sales order. CALL FUNCTION \'BAPI_SALESORDER_CHANGE\' EXPORTING salesdocument = <fs_vbap>-vbeln order_header_inx = gst_item_hedx TABLES return = gt_return order_item_in = gt_item_in order_item_inx = gt_item_inx. * Preparing the result message. CONCATENATE <fs_vbap>-vbeln \" Sales Order Number <fs_vbap>-posnr \" Item Number INTO gv_msg \" Message SEPARATED BY space. \" Space * Check if at least one error was raised by the BAPI. Loop inside * loop is not advise, however, the return table will contains small * amount of entries. We can use that for our demo. LOOP AT gt_return TRANSPORTING NO FIELDS WHERE type EQ \'E\' OR type EQ \'A\'. * Exit and rollback changes. EXIT. ENDLOOP. * If error found, rollback database changes. IF sy-subrc EQ 0. * Rollback changes. CALL FUNCTION \'BAPI_TRANSACTION_ROLLBACK\'. * Preparing error message. CONCATENATE gv_msg \"Sales Order and Item Number gc_error \"Error Message INTO gv_msg SEPARATED BY space. * Output message. WRITE / gv_msg. * Else, no error found, commit database changes. ELSE. * Commit changes. CALL FUNCTION \'BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT\' EXPORTING wait = abap_true. * Preparing success message. CONCATENATE gv_msg \"Sales Order and Item Number gc_success \"Success Message INTO gv_msg SEPARATED BY space. * Output message. WRITE / gv_msg. ENDIF. * Write a line after each sales order. AT END OF vbeln. WRITE: sy-uline. ENDAT. * Clearing of variables and structures: CLEAR: * Variables: gv_msg, * Structures: gst_item_hedx, gst_item_in, gst_item_inx. * Refreshing internal tables: REFRESH: gt_item_in, gt_item_inx, gt_return. ENDLOOP. ENDIF.
In case of error, please check the BAPI return messages available in the internal table \’GT_RETURN\’.